Barriers to Purchase

“Selling begins when the prospect says “no.”" — Sales Maxim

Key Ideas:

  • Selling anything is largely the process of identifying and eliminating Barriers to Purchase: anything that is prevents your prospect from buying what you offer.
  • These are the five standard objections in every sales process:

    • Loss Aversion: It costs too much. Makes spending feel like a loss.
    • It won’t work.
    • It won’t work for me.
    • I can wait.
    • It’s too difficult.
  • It’s smart to structure your offer with those objections in mind:

    • Objection #1 is best addressed via Framing and Value-Based Selling. If it’s clear that the value of your offer exceeds the asking price, the objection is moot.
    • Objection #2 and #3 are best addressed via Social Proof. Show the prospects how others like them are benefiting from the offer. That’s why Referrals are such a powerful tool.
    • Objection #4 and #5 are best addressed via Education-Based Selling. If the customer doesn’t realize they have a problem, they won’t be looking for a solution. Focus your early efforts in making them smarter and then helping them Visualize what would happen if they proceed.
  • Once you have their Attention and Permission, there are two possible tactics if they still have objections:

    • Convince them that the objection isn’t true.
    • Convince them that the objection is irrelevant.
  • If the prospect still doesn’t buy, it may be a problem of Power. Always try to negotiate with the decision-maker, he who has the Power to buy.

Questions for Consideration:

  • What objections might your prospects have to your offer?
  • What barriers are preventing them from saying ‘yes’?
  • How can you alleviate their objections and remove as many barriers as possible?